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Hit Sound

Free Download Hit Sound


    Hit sound. Thud sound. Punch sound effect mp3 download. Single hitting sfx. Free for commercial use. Download for free "Hit Sound" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 10 kilobytes and length 00:01 seconds:

    Free Download


    1. A sharp, strong push, a sharp, strong collision of something. (moving with moving or moving with stationary). "The blow was so dexterous that the skull split apart." Krylov. "The blow is our marks and heavy." languages. "The heralds praised my blow." Pushkin. Cut off the head with a blow of the sword. Leg kick. Apply at. fist to the chest. Hammer strike on iron. Metal testing at Take the blow away.

    2. Sound - knocking, crackling, ringing, rumbling from such contact, collision. “Underwater strikes of an ax on a snag are heard.” Chekhov. “There was a murmur and a rumble in the stuffy air, the blows of picks on stone were heard.” Maksim Gorky. Thunder strikes. Earthquake shocks. At the gift of the bell.

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