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Earthquake Rumble Sound Effect

Free Download Earthquake Rumble Sound Effect


    Earthquake rumble sound effect. Deep and rumbling sound. Catastrophic natural disaster. Best online SFX library for your projects. Download for free "Earthquake Rumble Sound Effect" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 700 kilobytes and length 00:32 seconds:

    Free Download

    Modern earthquake warning systems are more effective when it comes to weak tremors, but when it comes to powerful tremors, they can fail.

    This is the conclusion reached by scientists from the US Geological Survey in a new study.

    Seismologists simulated an earthquake along the San Andreas transform fault, which runs through the Pacific coast through the US state of California. In the next 30 years, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.5 or more is expected there.

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    You can buy time by warning the population earlier about the coming cataclysm. However, in this case, Californians will have to endure a number of "false alarms" about smaller incidents.

    You can increase the warning time if you start sounding the alarm when the earthquake is just beginning, that is, until the moment when its full magnitude is measured. In this case, people living far from the epicenter will sometimes receive shock alarms that they will not even feel.

    Earthquake Rumble Sound Effect Download Sound 100% Free For Your Project.

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