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Elevator Bell Ring Sound Effect

Free Download Elevator Bell Ring Sound Effect


    Elevator bell ring sound effect. Lift elevator arrival sound. An elevator bell ding loudly from a close perspective. Best online SFX library. Download for free "Elevator Bell Ring Sound Effect" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 92 kilobytes and length 00:04 seconds:

    Free Download

    The elevator is the safest transport in the world.

    Yes, the elevator is also a vehicle. Just unlike a train or a car, an elevator is used for vertical movement. Where does the information about the level of safety come from? Thanks statistics.

    So, for example, in 2020, only 5 elevator accidents occurred in the Russian Federation (data from RosTechNadzor). During the same time, there were 145,000 road traffic accidents with victims (Statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

    The design of the elevator provides for a virtually trouble-free security system. Forget about horror stories from films in which the cable bursts, and the elevator rushes at breakneck speed and sparks into the mine.

    In reality, this is impossible. At least because there are several cables. Each of them is able to withstand the weight of the cabin alone. Let's imagine a situation from the realm of fantasy, when all the cables are torn at once. Then the overspeed protection system is activated. In this case, the cabin will first slow down and then stop.

    Most of the accidents with elevators are related to their improper operation and the fact that houses use equipment that has served its time.

    This problem is successfully solved by the initiative of the Capital Repair Fund, within the framework of which outdated lift vehicles are replaced in time with modern reliable elevators.

    At MEL, we pay special attention to equipment safety. Before going to the customer, our elevators and their individual parts undergo a lot of tests, trials, checks.

    Therefore, we are confident in the reliability, quality and compliance with all safety standards of our products.

    Elevator Bell Ring Sound Effect Download Sound 100% Free For Your Project.

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