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Playing Cards Dealing Sound Effect

Free Download Playing Cards Dealing Sound Effect


    Playing cards dealing sound effect. Sound of card dealing. Great for card games, poker applications. Best online sfx library. Download for free "Playing Cards Dealing Sound Effect" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 187 kilobytes and length 00:11 seconds:

    Free Download

    Card games

    The card game "Expression" means:

    - a complete set of cards required for a board game, such as a deck of 32 or 52 cards (54 with jokers), a tarot deck, or an Italian card game.

    - the board game itself, if it uses as exclusive or practically exclusive playing cards, traditional or specific to this game.

    In other areas, a deck of cards may also refer to a set of geographic cards or a set of punched cards for machine processing.

    The playing card is the basis of the card game. Depending on the region and time, cards, figures and colors may differ: for example, in the French card game there are figures named with colored symbols: heart, rhombus, pike, club.

    Playing Cards Dealing Sound Effect Download Sound 100% Free For Your Project.

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