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Buzz Sound Effect

Free Download Buzz Sound Effect


    Buzz sound effect. Razor sound. Electronic buzzing noise. Shaving device. Seamlessly loopable. Download for free "Buzz Sound Effect" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 463 kilobytes and length 00:21 seconds:

    Free Download

    Noise around us

    It is believed that urban residents have long been accustomed to high noise levels. But do not forget that noise violates the psychological comfort of a person, has a bad effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system, and sometimes affects the hearing aid, causing hearing loss. Where does man-made noise come from, what are its characteristics, what are the basic principles and modern methods of protection against it, how to ensure silence in your own apartment? This article will answer other questions that concern many readers.

    Someday, for the sake of his existence, man will have to fight as hard against noise as he is now fighting against cholera and plague.

    Robert Koch

    What is noise? This is not carrying useful information or a random sound that disturbs others or causes them significant inconvenience. One and the same sound, depending on the situation, can turn out to be both noise and an information signal or even magic music. A car alarm suddenly going off at night is useful information for the owner, but noise for the rest, and loud joyful children's laughter sounds like music for parents, but not for those living in the neighborhood.

    Technogenic noise became hazardous to health only in the 20th century. But even in the good old days, before the advent of the era of technological progress, the life of the human community did not differ in silence. Even in ancient Rome, residents complained that street noise kept them up at night, and Julius Caesar in 50 BC. e. banned the movement of carriages in the city at night. Queen of England Elizabeth I (1533-1603), taking care of the night rest of her subjects, banned scandals and loud family quarrels after ten o'clock in the evening. In those happy times, marital discord was almost the only source of noise!

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