Peahen Call

Free Download Peahen Call

Peahen Call

    Peahen call. A single call or squawk from a peacock. The real voice of a peacock. Best online SFX library. Download for free "Peahen Call" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 16 kilobytes and length 00:01 seconds:

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    Male and female peacock - how they look and how they differ

    Everyone knows the beauty and grace of peacocks - they have long been included in numerous sayings. But does everyone know how to distinguish a male from a female?

    In general, it is very easy to distinguish a male from a female - they are not too similar. Of course, the main difference is the tail. Those very luxurious feathers, thanks to which the male peacock has long become one of the most famous birds in the world, are completely uncharacteristic of females - her tail is much more modest and not very different from an ordinary chicken.

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