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Horror Screech

Free Download Horror Screech

Horror Screech

    Horror screech sound effect. Cinematic dark ambient suspense. Great for creepy scene, sci-fi films, documentaries, movies, trailers. Best online SFX library for your projects. Download for free "Horror Screech" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 265 kilobytes and length 00:13 seconds:

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    1) Horror - a fundamental experience, shock, a state of numbness, the inability to determine anything, a feeling of general failure, when a person loses all support in life. In the experience of horror, “Nothing” opens up for a person, but not as an object, but as a discovery that before this state there was something that served us as a support, and that now slips away. The ego "something" is the existent (God, the Absolute). Thus, in a state of horror, the being in the act of its "escape" reveals itself, points to itself, draws attention to itself. In the experience of horror, a person is given the opportunity to remember God.

    2) Horror - - fear, the cause of which (“threatening”) combines the features of unfamiliarity (as in horror) and suddenness (as in fright) fear becomes horror. Ultimately, the source of horror is always being-in-the-world itself, so the phenomenon of horror is of great importance for understanding the being of presence. Fear can exist only on the basis of horror, fear is horror hidden from itself and fallen into the world.

    Horror Screech Download Sound 100% Free For Your Project.

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