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Sound Of Cicadas Greece

Free Download Sound Of Cicadas Greece


    Sound of cicadas Greece. Sound recorded during hot mediterranean summer. Cicadas noises. Free online SFX library. Commercial use allowed. Download for free "Sound Of Cicadas Greece" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 2,00 megabytes and length 00:56 seconds:

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    Cicadas of Greece

    They can be used to tell the time and keep track of the clock. If the weather is clear, they start their song almost always at exactly 9.55 - after the funeral of the morning birds. They are on plane trees, palm trees, pines, on all kinds of mulberry trees and other subtropical thickets. Even on the flawed columns of destroyed ancient temples.

    Cicadas. One should go to the Greek island of Thassos at least to hear their many-voiced choir.

    It's a paradox, but with their "voice communications" the Greek cicadas work almost in the same mode as the Greek people: in the morning until lunch, then for the majority there is a short break for "siesta", and the clock from the fourth - chirps up to eight maidens per hour evenings.

    The uninformed can easily confuse the cacophonous voice of cicadas with the violence of parrots in the crowns of trees - as, say, somewhere in Australia. But even our caged budgerigar yells very similarly. But there are more cicadas than parrots, and they are even louder and, if I may say so, more stable in their continuous noise in one place.

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