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Creak Sound Effect

Free Download Creak Sound Effect

Creak Sound Effect

    Creak sound effect. Creaky wooden door opening/closing with heavy hinges creaking. Creepy horror door opening. Best online SFX library. Download for free "Creak Sound Effect" MP3 file has bitrate 192 Kbps, size 66 kilobytes and length 00:03 seconds:

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    The meaning of the word "creak"

    A sharp, high-pitched sound that occurs when objects or their parts rub against each other. Wheel creak. Pen creak. Boots with a creak. The voices in the village or the creaking of the gates resound through the icy dawn with unusual clarity. Bunin, Antonov apples. Only the creak of snow under the skis broke the silence of the taiga. Azhaev Far from Moscow. Dry, harsh sounds of some birds singing. Grasshoppers were loudly screaming in the grass, and from somewhere far away came the monotonous strained creak of a corncrake. Kuprin, Olesya.

    It is used onomatopoeia to denote a sharp sound that occurs during friction, compression, etc. Andrei, waking up in the middle of the night, always heard steps in his father's office.

    With a creak - very slowly, with interference, with difficulty and tension. All hope was in the story. Editing went with great creaking. Avdeev, "Hare" on Parnassus.

    Creak Sound Effect Download Sound 100% Free For Your Project.

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